Finance · Build · Manage
We are a One-Stop-Shop for all things Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU). Learn how you can create your own passive income stream while taking part in “Solving the Housing Crisis One DADU at a Time.“
Did you know DADU financing is nearly nonexistent?
What’s the first thing you do when considering a DADU (Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit) project on your property? Hire an architect? Call a builder? Would your assumption be… “It’s a small house. I’ll search for lenders when the plans are done.” Not so fast. Don’t spend a dime on creating the plans until you understand the complex nature of a DADU being a “secondary unit on the same lot as a single-family.” For a DADU project, you need the expert that brings on a streamlined process to Finance, Build and Manage it, all under the same umbrella. Even though a DADU is a small house, it sure has a lot of big surprises. Don’t wait to discover those and waste your hard-earned money.
But if you have already secured the necessary funds to build your DADU, please contact Sockeye Homes so that you can get started with the Design-Build process.
What's the Next Step?
From feasibility to the last nail, our experts will help turn your DADU vision into reality. Let's get Started!
Already have the necessary funds to build your DADU?
Please contact Sockeye Homes so that you can get started with the Design-Build process.

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