Build It for Sale
Did you know you’re sitting on a gold mine?

Let’s be honest. TV shows and YouTubers are making real estate investments look so easy and appealing. And the timing to cash in on the opportunity is literally here because of the new state law that allows DADUs to be condominiumized so that they can be sold separately from the main house (meaning, you don’t have to subdivide, sell the main house or the property [with the stipulation that a partial reconveyance of title is approved by the first position deed holder]). But it’s not as simple as those shows make it out to be. To do it right and make a profit, you need the expert to hold your hand through the entire process from Financing, Building and Selling it.
And, if you have an existing detached garage that has unobstructed access from the alley or driveway, you may qualify up to 100% Financing / $0 Money Down so you literally don’t have to do anything but to wait for SkyDADU to sell the new DADU to cash in on the opportunity (the profit is split 50/50 between the Property Owner and SkyDADU).
Because SkyDADU has the fixed cost DADU packages and the construction team to build it right, Property Owner and SkyDADU can go into the joint venture without feeling queasy.
What's the Next Step?
From feasibility to the last nail, our experts will help turn your DADU vision into reality. Let's get Started!
Already have the necessary funds to build your DADU?
Please contact Sockeye Homes so that you can get started with the Design-Build process.

Questions about how building DADU in Seattle can be a good real estate investment for you?
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